




2017-05-24 11:55:58来源:58车类型:原创编辑:翟威

2017年摄影马拉松 (中国-沈阳) 即将拉开帷幕,除了用艺术的眼光捕捉城市灵感,我们更关注城市里每时每刻趣味的发生,在12小时的欢脱拍摄之外,我们将为城市探索者们送上一场
2017 Fotomarathon (China-Shenyang) is about to commence. In addition to using our artistic vision to capture the inspiration, we will be focusing on the entrancing moments in the city. After 12 hours of merry photo shooting, we will present to the city explorers

The coolest, most sensational
most creative, most intense, most genuine
eye-opening FOTOMARATHON Carnival

2017.06.03 12:00-21:00

K11大鹏广场  潮流和时尚发酵地
K11 Dapeng Square
the incubator of coolness and swag              
The 5000 ㎡ Dapeng Square will host Shenyang's largest carnival. Not only can our fellow photographer enjoy the salon here, we have prepared endless surprises for you—fresh and delicate gourmet, indie music show, international designs, brand experiences and other multi-sensory collision; injecting fresh blood and introducing vogue vibe with limitless fun themes to the carnival.

大开眼界的品牌 show 属于我们的城市乐园
Eye-opening brand show, the city paradise that belongs to us
FM Carnival will gather a number of brands and trendy shops which help create our dolce city lifestyle. This place is waiting to entertain and inspire our curious life-stylists with numerous brands.

 K11 Art Store
K11 ArtStore BY KURIOSITY是K11旗下自营全球首家设计主题集合店,倡导将用户互动、新奇趣味与品位启迪共冶一炉,注重为消费者提供线下体验的复合式线上购物体验! K11 ArtStore BY KURIOSITY希望能融入大众日常生活每一处细节之中,从生活到创意,从艺术到人文,带你发现设计之美、生活之美!
K11 Art Store where customers can experience the product in offline physical stores and place their order online. Their product covers fashion, cultural creation, crafts, and arts. There are 5000+ new season and crossover products. It will visit Shenyang in this tour. You will have the opportunity to be in sync with the K11 art malls in Hong Kong and Shanghai, experience arts in zero time difference, appreciate and purchase the designs of the most cutting edge designers, and reflect upon art, people and nature.

网红玩跨界 摄马联名冰淇淋
首家分子冰淇淋的创造者MY LAB空降摄马嘉年华!主张“爱时尚、敢尝试、做潮人”的MYLAB酷爱玩跨界,作为上海网红冰淇淋潮牌,MY LAB首度与摄影马拉松合作,创意一款摄马联名冰淇淋,难得初体验甜味的摄影马拉松。
The molecule ice cream maker MY LAB will be joining us at the FM carnival! With the motto of “fashion loving, challenge daring, hipster being" MYLAB loves to have cross-over collaboration. As the viral ice cream brand from Shanghai, MYLAB and FM will co-create the first FM signature ice cream. Come and have a novel taste of FM.

 Lexus, Experience and Taste
Lexus’ new brand image and philosophy will debut in FM. They have combine leisure, communication, taste in the experience area, using the highest specifications, creating a space to present their extraordinary craftsmanship.

 iKart卡丁车 激速无界
 iKart Karting, Speed Unbounded
iKart karting will be there in the FM carnival. It’s spreading the brand core concept "another life” among young people, creating a social feild with experience, food and passion, providing a platform for adrenaline explosion, where everyone is a god of cars, tyrant of roads, and lover of speed.

 Free Hops 沈阳首家网红精酿沙龙
 Free Hops, the first craft beer salon in Shenyang
FM carnival has also invited Free Hops, the first craft beer salon in Shenyang. This cool looking bar with a character sell both imported bottles and their own stunning brew, quenching Dionysus thirst.

Gathering place with photographers, selfie spot for internet celebrities
 生活研习室 ∣ Lifestyle Workshop
 We have invited pros from all the circles, the strongest cast will share their art experience and skills with you. 

 佳能影像大篷车∣ Canon Caravan
佳能摄影大篷车是为国内多个城市广大摄影爱好者和普通消费者量身打造的影像产品体验和交流系列活动,通过不同类型的体验区,感受到佳能带来的拍摄魅力。 来摄马嘉年华,搭上佳能的大篷车。
Canon photography caravan is designed for the photography enthusiasts and ordinary consumers, where they can experience the products and feel the charm of Canon. Get on the Canon caravan which is parked in the FM carnival.

Awesome music show in the container
Awaken, the musician incubator is coming to the FM carnival, breaking the tradition of the music circle, accommodating multiple music genres, and providing musical exchange and sustainable development for young and talented musicians. They are bringing the freshest, most unique and visual music experience to us.

A mysterious guest will grace us in the Carnival scene, hyping up atmosphere and getti
[Extras] We will be handing out tailor bracelets 14:00-18:00, wear this bracelet to Dr. Oscar bar after 22:00 and get free flow cocktails.

International Bazaar × Fotomarathon

无国界市集 + 摄马嘉年华,两大话题级IP联手,一众网红商户&生活研习家&全球最潮最in摄影圈,一个属于时髦猎人的集群,精彩程度可见一斑。
International Bazaar + FM Carnival, the two topic IP are bringing together the trending shops, life-stylists, the world's most influential photographers, and the pack of fashion hunters. Can’t you feel the awesomeness?

我们需要这样的摊主 | We need stall owners
• 有流行曝光度兼具创想力的国内外品牌
Popular and creative domestic and foreign brands
• 精研手艺并热爱滋味创意的厨神
Innovative and skillful chefs
• 主张绿色有机生活方式与食材品质的新农人
New farmers who advocate green organic lifestyle and quality
• 致领生活品质提升并对作品精心雕琢的匠人
Craftsmen who dedicate their life to skills that would better others
• 我们欢迎各类美食、烘焙、茶饮、酒水、花艺、书籍以及任何形式的手作加入其中
We welcome all kinds of food, baking, tea, wine, floral, books and any form of craft maker to join
• 有趣有料有互动,有精彩发生
 Interesting, entertaining, interactive; wonders will happen here

如何成为摄马嘉年华摊主 | Become a stall owner
Please provide us with the following information at daynitesy2@163.com
• 品牌名称&简介(准确填写,将作为品牌露出的最终名称)
Brand name and introduction (Please make sure the info is accurate)
• 产品图片、列表及单价
Pictures, list and prices of your products
• 参与其他活动的现场照片
• 相关资质证明(营业执照、法人身份证复印件、餐饮/食品流通许可证、健康证等)
Relevant certification and identification (Business license, a copy of the legal person’s identity card
• 商品类型(食品品类or手作品类),其中食品品类需标注(预包装or现制现售)
Types of product (Food or Craft), and the category of food (prepackaged or made on site)
• 联系人姓名、电话、邮箱
Contact name, number and email

 You can’t miss June FM Carnival

摄影马拉松始于1984年西班牙首都-马德里,至今已有 30 年的历史。它被誉为全球最具创意的摄影比赛,是一项集乐趣、挑战、社交三合一的艺术竞技。
The Fotomarahon is a photography contest about cities, fun, exploration and challenges. Born in 1984 in Madrid, the idea of the Fotomarathon spread quickly all over the world. Fotomarathon is now known as the most creative photo contest in the world combining fun, challenge and socializing all in one.


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